How you save your phone so that it is not blocked

How you save your phone so that it is not blocked

Wednesday deadline to register IMEI. These are the steps to follow.

The commitment of the national government with the strategy to combat the crime of theft of cell in the country on several fronts is close to achieving its goal of objetivo.La 3.2 million registered Imei, ie, the identity card that each phone cell has from the time it is manufactured, is scheduled for Wednesday 31 August.

But it has not been an easy task. After starting the campaign a year ago, in a joint effort between the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MinTIC), the Ministry of Defense and the National Police, in order to end the illegal market of cell it has consolidated.

According MinTIC report, to July this year, the country had registered a total of 33 million mobile and 4.6 million were blocked. (See also: These are the steps to claim a recovered cell)

Baca Juga

And the good index of the campaign is due in large part to that Colombians have understood that by reporting the number of your unit, help in case of loss or theft, cell are completely useless to thieves.

As Fingerprint

The IMEI is the international code of identity, is the footprint of the mobile device, comparable to fingerprint or identity card of persons, and consists of 15 digits.

This number also allows to know if the device you want to buy is not included in the global list of stolen or equipment in case of lost or stolen phone can report, so the phone can be disabled to prevent further use.

But although from the Government has been set for the last day of August for carrying out the registration of the respective teams, this does not mean that from next day all devices reported are not left disabled by way of 'massive blackout '. (Addition: 11% reduced reports of stolen cell in Bogota)

What does happen is that the debugging process will be strengthened, which will determine which teams will be blocked because IMEI numbers are invalid, are not approved, they were not registered or have been duplicated.

All to register

Registration must be done by any user who acquire or use of a cellular mobile network equipment in the country and whose Imei is not registered, which can be consulted with your mobile operator.

If the citizen purchased a plan or changed teams in postpaid mode, the operator is the Registrant.

They must also register computers that have dual SIM card as have two Imei. If you have SIM cards from a single operator the records to the company, but if you use SIM cards of different operators must be performed before these operators through their service channels. (On video: Guide to register the IMEI of your phone with just one call)

"Cell that for some reason are not registered or have some quality that may indicate they have been stolen or manipulated, they can end up blocked. The lock means that those codes of cell are loaded into a database, which is read by all operators and prevents you give service to that cell in particular, "predicted Juan Manuel Wilches, expert of the Commission Regulation Communications (CRC).

According to the commissioner, when the device is registered with the operators and is stolen, the victim makes a complaint and automatically "the device becomes unusable, the person tries to make calls and can not, nor has any network activity".

Remember that the CRC and the International Mobile Operators Association (GSMA) established in June this year in Mexico, an alliance that allows the authorities and ICT Colombia, sector have access to computer information stolen in 33 countries.

With this agreement the public have access to information equipment that have been reported stolen in other countries and verification of makes and models who want to be marketed in Colombia will be strengthened.

What happens if you block?

The user should approach the offices of its mobile operator and prove ownership of the team, this can be done in two ways: through the purchase invoice or filling out a form.

If you bring a cell from abroad also you have to register. Operator must submit to the purchase invoice and fill out a form. Remember that before you buy and register, you must check if it is approved for use in Colombia, otherwise the mobile operator will not make the record.

And how do you know if the place of sale is authorized for selling cell phones? To verify that the site is authorized you can consult the Integral Information System Authorizations (SIIA), which is intended to allow the name of the persons authorized for the sale of mobile teams in the country. Since this month establishments are identified with a sticker.

Do not forget that we are a few days for the limit is met. Should be no registration at the initiative of the user, the operator will send a message and give a period of 20 days to do so.

If does not address the application at that time, your computer will be locked. So Avoid headaches. 

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